Yogic anatomy and physiology teacher training certification course


Yogic anatomy and physiology teacher training certification course

Week 1:

- Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology for Yoga Teachers

- Understanding the Skeletal System and its Relevance in Yoga

- Alignment principles for foundational yoga poses


Week 2:

- The Muscular System and its Application in Yoga Practice

- Sequencing and Teaching standing poses

- Practice Teaching: Standing Poses


Week 3:

- The Respiratory System and its role in Pranayama

- Breathwork and Pranayama techniques

- Teaching Practicum: Pranayama techniques


Week 4:

- The Nervous System and its Impact on Yoga Practice

- Anatomy of Backbends and their variations

- Practice Teaching: Backbends


Week 5:

- The Digestive System and its connection to Yoga

- Sequencing and Teaching forward bends and twists

- Teaching Practicum: Forward Bends and Twists


Week 6:

- The Endocrine System and its role in Yoga and Hormonal balance

- Anatomy of inversions and arm balances

- Practice Teaching: Inversions and Arm Balances


Week 7:

- The Cardiovascular System and its relation to Yoga

- Sequencing and Teaching Restorative and Yin Yoga

- Teaching Practicum: Restorative and Yin Yoga


Week 8:

- The Fascial System and its significance in movement and yoga

- Anatomy of Hatha and Vinyasa Flow

- Final Teaching Practicum and Evaluation

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