Pranayama Certification Course (20 Hrs)
Pranayama teacher training certification course (20 hr)
Friday !! Saturday !! Sunday
7am to 2pm
Pranayama course 2023
September- 7,8,9
Octber -5, 6, 7
Novmber – 2,3,4
Decmber – 14, 15, 16
1. *Introduction to Pranayama (2 hours):* This includes understanding the significance of pranayama, its historical context, and the different types of pranayama. Discussions could also explore the relationship between yoga and pranayama, as well as the health benefits derived from pranayama.
2. *Science of Breath and Prana (3 hours):* The focus here would be on the scientific aspects of breathing, the concept of prana, pranic energy, and the science of chakras.
3. *Introduction to Pranayama Techniques (4 hours):* An introduction to and practice of key pranayama techniques like Anulom Vilom, Kapalbhati, Bhramari, Ujjayi, Bhastrika, etc.
4. *Practical Sessions of Pranayama (5 hours):* These would be practice sessions for the pranayama techniques introduced earlier, with correction of mistakes and advice on proper technique.
5. *Pranayama Guidelines and Safety Measures (3 hours):* The do's and don'ts of pranayama, such as when, where, and how it should be performed, who should and shouldn't practice it, as well as precautions and safety measures.
6. *Pranayama Teaching Techniques (3 hours):* Strategies and methods for teaching pranayama, including understanding, dialogue, and instruction techniques.
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